Friday, June 29, 2007

Sunday Evening Joy

We have Sunday night services at our church. Recently I mused in a fit of weariness that I sometimes wished we didn’t. Praying and pondering over my remark [made to my bride in a quiet moment of wishful thinking banter, that included dinner and vacation plans] I retract the thought. It was a thought born of having an eye on the world. It was a thought that required repentance.

Sunday evening worship truly is a wondrous joy. A great many people do not know what they are missing. The bottom half of the Sunday double-header has fallen into disrepute of late. Seekers, it seems, aren’t all that sensitive once the morning “amen” signals that they have again done their God-thing for the week. At our church, however, we gather again once the shadows lengthen. Age and illness, to be sure, keep away some who come in the mornings at the cost of considerable discomfort. Work schedules, weariness and other factors keep many away. Still, we form a respectable little group, and we receive a double portion.

I recommend it highly—even if one is weary.

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